I was trying to think of something interesting to carve. As to be expected I wanted it to be some kind of animal or plant. I was trying to think of round sea creatures but the only thing I could think of was a sea urchin test and I wasn't too sure that would be recognisable. I decided to instead play up the lantern part of the jack-o-lantern and carved a lantern fish (or angler fish). It is kind of like the scene in Finding Nemo. Just part of the fish is illuminated by it's lure and the little fish are transfixed by the light.

what kind of a fish is that with something coming out of its head???
have fun in Uruguay!!
It's a lantern fish or angler fish. It has a lure coming out the top of its head that glows and attracts little fish to get just in range of it's big scarry jaws.
That pumpkin is the bomb. I'm sure I'll be inspecting some of those angler fish in the near future. That's cool that you typed SO.
that is one scary looking fish. nice job !
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